There is little that can make a knight more restless, than watching a CNN Presidential debate.
It began with a little old man hobbling to where his microphone was located, while his opponent was already standing comfortably behind his, reveling at Biden’s feeble approach to enter the debate.
The anchors did nothing to stop Trump from replying to a direct question with an answer designed to praise himself (SUPRISE, SURPRISE), and rarely addressing the points that the President was making ( the Real President, and not the fake one).
It was almost impossible to watch, and after an hour and a half I called it quits.
I had wondered, during the time I was painfully watching this so-called debate, why the most important threat facing humankind, was not foreigners from “shit-hole” countries taking American jobs, raping our women, and bringing disease - mainly because those were lies Trump has been projecting for years, had not been brought up by the CNN team of not very sharp questioners.
With the massive floods, wildfires, droughts, record-setting temperatures (for several days, and hotter in Vermont than the Sunshine State, you would think this is an issue that must be addressed.
There’s a very obvious reason why our elected officials don’t legislate for these changes (and the sooner the better). It’s because they don’t represent the people who elected them, but by the special interests that finance the most expensive political campaigns in the free world.
And the reason Trump and Putin are asshole buddies, is because Vlad’s aggression against Ukraine, drives up the price of fossil fuels. It’s probably the reason the current Russian tzar attacked his next-door neighbor in the first place.
We should not be ‘Putin’ up with this aggressor, but, instead, ‘Putin’ him down.
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired
Saturday, June 29, 2024
CNN Screws Up a Presidential Dabate
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
The Texas Taliban
Well, congratulations, Texas, and your Governor, Greg Abbot, not middle-aged, but surely living in the Middle Ages.
Your attempt at copying the policies of the Taliban have been successful, particularly with regard to women’s rights.
Texans should be proud of the way Abbot, and the Texas legislature approved the most counter-female rights bill in our nation’s history.
And thanks to that Trump-packed Supreme Court, the law won’t be challenged, despite how it violates Roe v Wade.
So we owe a special thanks to Turtle Face, AKA Mitch McConnell, who saw to it that Obama’s pick for the High Court would not be considered for a Senate vote, because Barack was an outgoing office holder. The same reasoning didn’t apply to Trump’s last pick, even though his remaining days were considerably less than Obama’s when the Donald submitted Amy Coney Barrett for that role.
So my Texas friends, make sure you vote on Election Day, November 8, 2022, to show how much you appreciate the Governor’s and legislature’s actions.
Democrats are notorious for failing to vote in the Mid-Terms. It’s been more than enough time to break that tradition. Stay home, and you’ll guarantee that nothing will change.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired of the American Election Process
If anything more closely fits the title of this blog, it’s the American election process. Where else on this planet do we have election cycles that never seem to end? Where on Earth do you get a candidate who can utter the first thing that creeps into his addled brain? As an amateur historian I have difficulty remembering any presidential hopeful that boasted that they could shoot someone on a major New York street, and not lose a single vote. Hitler may have offered something similar in his 1932 Chancellor campaign, substituting Rosenthaler Platz for Fifth Avenue.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired of the Political Debates
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Politics and the Press
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sick & Tired of Those Damn Regulations
This is the latest example.
I voted "No", putting me in a minority of his enlightened constituents, 80% of whom voted "Yes".
Well, any critically thinking person knows that it’s the regulations that have caused a failure to create jobs and hampered economic prosperity - except for a few sad facts:
Certain sectors of the economy have prospered due to a distinct lack of regulation. I’m talking about the banking business. Bertolt Brecht said it much better than I could: “What is the robbing of a bank, as compared to the founding of a bank?” That line appeared in the 1931 film, “Threepenny Opera.” Some things never change. One difference is that when those committing the former are caught, they usually spend a fair amount of time as guests of the state. Bankers and Wall Street Execs who have milked the system, committed acts that would be punishable with jail sentences in most democracies, are enjoying lofty salaries and bonuses and are not required to live on the food that gives correctional facilities such high culinary marks.
Thanks to Repubicrat William Jefferson Clinton, who signed off on the repeal of Glass Steagall, permitting these modern-day highwaymen, to have their way, Wall Street was free to commit virtual rape of the economy. Since the statute that could have prevented that no longer exists, we can’t even call it “Statutory Rape.”
The newer Republicrat, Barack Obama, who took money from Wall Street to help win the 2008 Presidential race, has done nothing to let his benefactors sample some of that prison fare. American taxpayers were called upon (I never got such a call, did you?) to bail out the banks. Screwed homeowners, were sucked in by adventurous Wall Street and banker speculator's offers of garbage investments and unlimited credit, lost their homes and saw their credit ratings fall off the roof.
Then there was “Quantitative Easing”, a scheme by the Fed allowing those same bankers to borrow at practically zero interest rates, and could then lend at real interest rates. You might also be aware that this interest rate structure conveniently did not apply to student loans.
And who says regulations (besides my Congressmen and his cronies) impede growth? The latest rules for banks to follow were written by Citibank (who surely has no vested interest), and signed off by guess who? Not only doesn’t he have his Attorney General Prosecute these villains, he approves legislation that permits the very behavior that caused the 2007-08 collapse to happen again. See the Mother Jones article:
Those millions forced to live on minimum wages that have not been adjusted in decades. In 1968, the minimum hourly wage (in 2013 dollars) was $10.71. Today it is roughly (very roughly for many) $8.51. Ask Wall Street how many of their executives earn that sickening wage. The results of these slave wages is that many are forced to work multiple jobs, including single parents. Many are forced to go to Uncle Sam for food stamps, can’t get health insurance (yes, it’s those tough regulations that brought that on), and must depend on emergency room services for survival. You may want to think about that the next time you have an uncontrollable hankering for one of McDonald's beef-substance products (their pay-starved employees are not "lovin' it", I'll wager)
So, Congressman, I would have sent this to you in a letter or email, but you are notorious for not responding to constituents opinions (at least never mine).
Monday, November 24, 2014
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Is it evolution or just a messed up job of cosmetic surgery? |
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Another delightful day in Paradise |
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Don't you just wish you had this job? |