Saturday, June 29, 2024

CNN Screws Up a Presidential Dabate

 There is little that can make a knight more restless, than watching a CNN Presidential debate.

It began with a little old man hobbling to where his microphone was located, while his opponent was already standing comfortably behind his, reveling at Biden’s feeble approach to enter the debate.

The anchors did nothing to stop Trump from replying to a direct question with an answer designed to praise himself (SUPRISE, SURPRISE), and rarely addressing the points that the President was making ( the Real President, and not the fake one).

It was almost impossible to watch, and after an hour and a half I called it quits.

I had wondered, during the time I was painfully watching this so-called debate, why the most important threat facing humankind, was not foreigners from “shit-hole” countries taking American jobs, raping our women, and bringing disease - mainly because those were lies Trump has been projecting for years, had not been brought up by the CNN team of not very sharp questioners.

With the massive floods, wildfires, droughts, record-setting temperatures (for several days, and hotter in Vermont than the Sunshine State, you would think this is an issue that must be addressed.

There’s a very obvious reason why our elected officials don’t legislate for these changes (and the sooner the better).  It’s because they don’t represent the people who elected them, but by the special interests that finance the most expensive political campaigns in the free world.

And the reason Trump and Putin are asshole buddies, is because Vlad’s aggression against Ukraine, drives up the price of fossil fuels. It’s probably the reason the current Russian tzar attacked his next-door neighbor in the first place.

We should not be ‘Putin’ up with this aggressor, but, instead, ‘Putin’ him down.

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